History 3510- What I Noticed Most

From this class there was one thing that really stood out for me the most. This was residential schools it was such a horrible time and it really hit close to home with having many of my family members attend residential schools. But I notice not everyone who attended wants to tell their story, this could have many reasons behind it, but I think all stories should be heard as people need to really know what happened. People don’t tell  them or people just aren’t around to tell them and its one of those things that really needs to be looked at in more depth to be really understood.

I found that the pictures from residential schools can show so much. As I was doing my research I came across many pictures that make me feel like I was at these schools and could better understand what was happening. I save some that I thought stood out. There are also many memoirs out there that I think more people should read as this is how history should be told, from the people that experienced it themselves.







History 3510- Take aways from the class

It seems as in this class we learned a lot about the bad things that happened.  The history on education seems to focus on the negative but maybe that is because there was a lot of negative things that happened and not as many positive things that happened. How I see it is that when public school became available for everyone that was good but not everyone agreed with it. Children didn’t want to attend because they felt it was not necessary and felt that going to work would be more beneficial for their family. But eventually school became mandatory, and not everyone liked this idea. It created racism and europeans did everything they could to make it so their school was all of the same race, no one could be of colour. If there was colour in the school they got bullied and heckled until they stopped showing up to school. So eventually segregated schools were made and this was all wrong as white schools were first priority so the other schools were underfunded and poorly managed there fore made the schools not always a great place to be. There were schools for whites who were the rich schools and got what they need and then there were the schools for blacks, first nations, Chinese and anyone else that wasn’t white, and there were the other schools that the government didn’t really care about. As there were many problems with the schools for the minority races  there were also the problems from the white schools like what they were teaching and how they were teaching it. As well as just they way they were living and the staff hiring process influenced the way those children though allowing them to think racism is ok and gender discrimination is ok too.  All were very wrong things.

Many of these problems continue on into todays times. And it is my understanding that if we do not teach history it will repeat its self as we learn from the bad things that we do. Unfortunately these things happened but hopefully we grow from them and stop all the problems. As talking about these issues and making more people aware of them will hopefully make it so our country never does this again. As many teacher and schools need to change their way of thinking to be open to what new things are about to come. There has been positive things like the free education we have today for our children and those should be celebrated as that is a big step that was taken. But the negatives also need to be taught as this will hopefully make further generations learn from the past mistakes.

History 3510- Discrimination in the Classroom

My life goal is to become a teacher. It all started when I was little but as time went on I strived for that goal for many more reasons than  “I like being around kids”. As I went though school I always found that because of my race teachers treated me different, and some times I was even treated different because of my gender. I didn’t like this feeling it made me feel like I was doing something wrong but I couldn’t even change it because that was just the way I was born. Sometimes this cultural and gender discrimination made me want to give up and not do what I was able to do, but then something changed and it made me want to prove that I could be better than they thought I was. I wanted to prove that I could be as strong as the boys or as smart as the white kids and it made me realize something more. I realized it wasn’t just me who went though this it was the other first nations students who did too, unfortunately they didn’t want to prove they were better they just accepted that they would never be seen as the number one student. This made me want to teach so no other student had to go though what I went though, I wanted to raise the expectation for not only First Nations students but all students. I also wanted to bring awareness to all about what this discrimination does to students. But to bring awareness you have to trace where this idea came from and how often it happens to prove that it wasn’t just one time, it is a continuous problem. So I did some research, I took my own personal experiences and others as well and showed how this is an ongoing problem. I wrote a paper on it to show readers the problem, if you click the link you can learn more about what I had to say on this problem.

Hist3510- Research Project

History 2480- Viewed Films

In this class I found the main focus to be on how people were viewed in Films and media, but what I felt was most focused on was how people/groups were portrayed negatively. This makes sense though we often notice the negatives more than the positives, this is how change is made. Often positive things go unnoticed because its just the way life should be and really positive changes do always need the attention because it is just the way it should have been from day one. But people often draw more attention to negative things to change the way it is being done and make a difference and then when that idea that has been constantly negative is changed to a positive that is when it then is rewarded and gets recognition for the big change in a positive direction.

In this class we watched many films and focused on how the characters were portrayed. For instance in the movies like The Mask you Live in, The Full Monty and Boys Don’t Cry  are all about how the male image is portrayed and reflects on how males who watch these movies have to live up to those standards. There was also movies who did that but with women like Hot Girls Wanted, Enchanted, Dream Girls,Vertigo and  Adam’s Rib but all of these had a set image that was very negative in a way and very limiting to the males and females watching. The movie Killing us softly 4  was about how these images like the ones in the films listed above and advertisements are make us strive for these images that are unreal, and essentially killing who we really are. All of these seemed to portray both female and males in a negative way.

Although there were some films that were positive and had very empowering messages to them. These movies were Lemonade, The intervention and Wonder Woman where they all showed that women can do what they want and they shouldn’t have limits. It is movies like these that show that women are equal to men therefore they get the positive recognition for making a change in the way people think. As movies have continuously portraying both men and women in negative ways, so when they portray these characters in good ways as both equal it shows a positive change which will hopefully influence society to think this way as well.

All in all, these movies made me realize what movies do to people. They influence the way we think and they essentially brain wash the society in one way of thinking. That is why it is important to criticize movies and have your own opinion, to be able to stand up for what is right. With this I have learnt to do that, and from now on I will never watch a movie the same and will have my own to hopefully make a difference in the world when I take a stance to say something is wrong.

Hist 2480- Research Project

As I was growing up Disney was always  a big part of my life, I remember when I was little my mum did pay for cable because all we did was watch Disney moves on the VHS. I have quite the collection of VHS movies and DVDs that are all Disney. Watching Disney movies was always and still is my favourite thing to do. But I never realized the impact that watching those movies can have on some one so young, they put ideas out there that we believe is the only way to live. So when Disney started to remake movies it was interesting to notice the changes that meant quite a big deal. I took it upon myself to look into those differences made in newer movies from the old ones as they are quite substantial to the viewers. I had taken note of all the remakes but on my project I really focused on the newest remake Beauty and the Beast. If you’d like to see what I took away from the comparison of the old movie to the new movie give my project in the document below.


Hist 2480- Critical Media Analysis

Hist 3510 -A View on Residential Schools from the Camera Lens

Ever look at pictures and wonder what is going on but just look past it? Try looking at it a little closer think about all that could be happening. This is where the real evidence comes from as they say a picture has a thousand words. With those thousands words are what make these pictures so precious.

Check out my paper which focuses on one image from residential schools!


Hist 2480- Reading Analysis #12

Hist 2480

Tracy Penny Light

November 20, 2017

Reading Analysis- Week 12

In film there has always been this continuous problem that seems to never stop. This is how women are portrayed in films. The issue has changed over time, but not matter what it has been an issue. Why is this?

The issue started with how the women could only be a wife at home who does the cooking or cleaning etc. Then it changed to how women were portrayed sexually. And it change again and many more times. With each change, something was brought up to the public’s attention that people felt the way these women were portrayed was wrong and it was giving off a negative message for all women watching it. Even when people made films to embrace women’s power there was some sort of negative context with it. For instance the main character may embrace her power and show that she is equal to man, but there could be a second character who still shows the stereotypes that were seen as negative in the first place still sending out this message that isn’t good. It’s wrong there are several movies that do this and in all of them there is a woman that is looked up to and then there is the woman that isn’t as liked. Now usually the message put out there in these is that the women who like to go beyond her boundaries is wrong for doing so and should therefore not be liked. This means that the woman character should not change as the way society feels women of that time should have the right to do. Why is this? It’s wrong and sets a wrong image for all people who are viewing this.

There is also the problem, when women do the same wrong that a man does the woman is hated for it and the man that did it is overlooked because the focus is on the woman that made him to do it. For instance cheating, in one film the man cheats but isn’t hated for it because the focus changes to the crazy mistress who tries to wreck his family. Whereas in another movie the woman cheats and she is hated because it ruins the family. So why is it that the man and woman don’t receive the same punishment from the audience? Could it be because the film industry is most ran by men and they are constantly trying to make men look better than women? Possibly, but it seems wrong. And if it is seen as a problem when will more people speak up to make it so this stops? Hopefully it’s soon so women all the time can be seen as equal to men.


Thomas, E., “Punishing Unfaithful Wives and Working Mothers: Messages of Postfeminism in
Contemporary Film,” in Ruggiero, A., Media Depictions of Brides, Wives and Mothers, New York: Lexington Books, 2012: 77-90.

Fairclough-Isaacs, K.,”Mature Meryl and Hot Helen: Hollywood, Gossip and the ‘Appropriately’ Ageing Actress,” in Whelelan and Gwynne (Eds.), Ageing, Popular Culture, and Contemporary Feminism, 2014: 140-155.

Hist 3510- Reading Analysis 11

Hist 3510

Tracy Penny Light

Nov 19th, 2017

Reading Analysis- Week 11

As school and the education system have changed drastically but why is that? Who realized that what people are teaching, had its faults and needed to change to be more acceptable. Well it’s never really been said, but it is believed a group of people decide what the kids at school should retain. These people relay this information in a pamphlet that explains what needs to be taught, but they weren’t all the same at first.

It seemed as the way of creating a curriculum wasn’t always for all the schools to teach. For instance, in the private schools of the Kootenays in BC, they felt that the curriculum wasn’t suitable for their children. This was because the people there felt that their children needed to explore their learning by being themselves, and being more connected with the land. This was done by teaching them how to garden and other things that involved outside activities. In some way this could be good as some students may not have the access to things like these, but it can also be negative as the time for learning things that the government feels are important is lessened. Although one should feel that sometimes change of scenery is good for the brain, but is it always good. This could be why many were opposed to this way of learning, as to why people choose not to send their children to the school. On the other hand those who sent their children to these schools that expressed this way of learning were in great favour of it. So does this seem the right way of learning, and who has the right to say it’s not.

Next way of learning that was observed was when the schools accepted the curriculum. They used this pamphlet like it was a guide to life. Many teacher followed it to every point. Now why was this, and was this the correct way of learning? Possibly.  But there was also the teacher that didn’t follow this way of teaching exactly. They felt children should explore the way of learning in the way they want to. This helps creativity and expands each child’s mind in their own way. Now many may think that teacher who taught this way were ahead of their time and knew way too much, but really should have been listened to as they are part of the reason education is the way it is today.

It seems as time after time there has always been this curriculum placed in the schools that teaches should follow. Eventually it became mandatory for everyone to teach and learn this way. This was because the government wanted the schools to all be at the same level, making it easy for children if they had to move schools. This is much like the way the education system is today. But is this always the right way. It has been stated that the curriculum is a very strict way of learning. Where children must do certain things within a time period. This doesn’t always seem right as not everyone is the same. So should the curriculum stay? Is everyone in agreement of it, or could there be a better way of learning?

Years after year there is a curriculum put in the schools, but is this the way of learning? Who’s to say that a certain group of people that make the curriculum have the right way of thinking? As it was shown in the articles there are many diverse schools out there that are suitable for their way of living and learning. So is one way of learning for the whole country suitable? Personally I don’t think so, each community is different and should be able to learn differently to their accommodation. Yes maybe some things should be the same throughout the country’s schools but not everything. Diversity is a big part of Canada and should be expressed in the schools as well. Therefore curriculum can be necessary but not in all ways that are very strict. Everyone is different and should be able to learn differently as well. Diversity should be embraced by all especially those learning in school.


Wien, Carol Anne and Curt Dudley-Marling. “Limited Vision: The Ontario Curriculum and Outcomes-Based Learning.” in Sara Burke and Patrice Milewski (Eds.), Schooling in Transition: Readings in the Canadian History of Education, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2012: 400-412.

Gorham, Deborah. “The Ottawa New School and Educational Dissent in Ontario in the Hall- Dennis Era.”Historical Studies in Education 21, no.2 (Fall 2009): 104-122.

Janovicek, Nancy, “‘The community school literally takes place in the community’: Alternative Education in the Historical Studies in Education, 24, 1 (Spring 2012): 150-169.

Marker, Michael. “‘It Was Two Different Times of the Day, But in the Same Place’: Coast Salish High School Experience in the 1970s.” BC Studies 144 (Winter 2004/05): 91-113.

Hist 2480- Reading Analysis #11

Hist 2480

Tracy Penny Light

November 14, 2017

Reading Analysis Week 11

Many years ago it used to be people were born and labeled a sex and that is what they had to be. But many people weren’t happy with who they were, therefore making it so they wanted to change the sex they were as technology and knowledge grew it made it so people could be whatever sex they wanted to be. But just because the option was there didn’t make it as easy as it seems for those who wanted to change. This was because the judgement of this change was there and it had a major negative impact on those who wanted to change making it so these people were still unhappy. But as time passed people were taught that people shouldn’t judge difference and they should be more accepting of change because change can be good.

With change over time, and the more acceptance it made it so those who were famous felt comfortable enough, like Caitlyn Jenner to make the transgender change. Although there was still some judgement out there, but most of it was positive feedback. This was proof that this world has progressed in acceptance of difference, but was it only because she was famous? There has been more and more people that are famous feel the need to express themselves differently by becoming transgender and announcing publicly. But has this done any good for those who are not famous.

Has there only been this change in acceptance because of the famous people that came out? What has this done for those transgender people who aren’t famous? With this announcement it may have made more people realize they shouldn’t judge those who announce they are different, no one is born feeling that way it’s just who they are. But does it really need to be announced why can’t society just accept people for who they want to be why do they have to be ladled as male or female or transgender. Also does it matter if people announce what sexuality they are. Why does all this have to be ladled. When will this stop mattering? Labels should be eliminated and those people should embrace who they are by living a happy life with no explanation. Yes, famous people may have made progress for those who want to identify as someone they are not born as, but there will always be that judgement. This is because each generation is raised differently, but with each one there is more and more acceptance. Hopefully in time no one will need to feel that they are different, whether this be with the help of famous people or just with people changing the way they think. But those who feel different should embrace who they are and this will eventually be seen as normal if it starts with the people seeing themselves as normal.


Roen, K., “‘Either/Or’ and ‘Both/Neither’: Discursive Tensions in Transgender Politics,” Signs, 27, 2 (2001): 501-522

Lovelock, M., “Call me Caitlyn: Making and Making Over the ‘Authentic’ Transgender Body in Anglo- American Popular Culture,” Journal of Gender Studies, 2016: 1-13.

Hist 3510- Reading Analysis 10


Tracy Penny Light

November 12, 2017

Reading Analysis Week 10

It seems that through time the education system stays the same in some way. It almost as if the system has kept the same idea but change it only slightly year after year. This idea is that some topics are seen as important and others less important. Those subjects that as more important are studied more frequently, whereas the others are only studied every so often. Which makes senses , but one can question who decides these topics are needed to be know? Students and parents think that the subjects are important but is that because they are taught to think that, possibly!

The system seems to follow the structure that when kids start school it is easy as they are just starting to grow their brains and it eventually gets harder. This makes sense but is this the right structure for every child as everyone is different in their own way. In addition to this everyone retains different information so doesn’t this make all schools different in a way being as teacher can’t all teach the same way. This can easily impact the way students think, from what they are being told to what they are seeing, with words being just as big as an impact as actions are. It is interesting to see that people view the education system as similar.

With looking at different stories of people’s education, one can draw many similar themes. Things like how kids study English, math and social studies as those are important. But things like art and music and others that require using the other side of your brain become optional. This is what it seems to be like in most schools. But there are also the difference from generation to generation. Things like the punishment for being bad, also the support that is given when going into higher grades, as well as what is seen as important. These things not only vary from each generation, but also each school and surrounding in the time.

So with there being so many similarities it shows how that way of thinking is tradition. It shows how this has always been vital in success as school systems see it. But it can also show progress as students may be learning the same but racial and gender issues change and also teaching techniques change influencing the way students think. From this people can lean tradition is good to some point but change and progression is also good. As some things can stay the same but some things need to be different every once in awhile.



Axelrod, Paul. “Beyond the Progressive Education Debate: A Profile of Toronto Schooling in the 1950s,” Historical Studies in Education 17, no.2 (Spring 2005): 227-241.

Heyking, Amy von. “Selling Progressive Education to Albertans, 1935-1953,” in Sara Burke and Patrice Milewski (Eds.), Schooling in Transition: Readings in the Canadian History of Education, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2012: 340- 354.

Stamp, Robert M. “Growing Up Progressive? Part I: Going to Elementary School in 1940s Ontario.” Historical Studies in Education vol. 17, no. 1 (Spring 2005): 187-98.

Stamp, Robert M. “Growing Up Progressive? Part II : Going to High School in 1950s Ontario.” Historical Studies in Education vol. 17, no. 2 (Fall 2005): 321-31.

Sutherland, Neil. “The Triumph of ‘Formalism’: Elementary Schooling in Vancouver from the 1920s to the 1960s,” in Sara Burke and Patrice Milewski (Eds.), Schooling in Transition: Readings in the Canadian History of Education, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2012: 375-397.