Hist 2480- Reading Analysis #12

Hist 2480

Tracy Penny Light

November 20, 2017

Reading Analysis- Week 12

In film there has always been this continuous problem that seems to never stop. This is how women are portrayed in films. The issue has changed over time, but not matter what it has been an issue. Why is this?

The issue started with how the women could only be a wife at home who does the cooking or cleaning etc. Then it changed to how women were portrayed sexually. And it change again and many more times. With each change, something was brought up to the public’s attention that people felt the way these women were portrayed was wrong and it was giving off a negative message for all women watching it. Even when people made films to embrace women’s power there was some sort of negative context with it. For instance the main character may embrace her power and show that she is equal to man, but there could be a second character who still shows the stereotypes that were seen as negative in the first place still sending out this message that isn’t good. It’s wrong there are several movies that do this and in all of them there is a woman that is looked up to and then there is the woman that isn’t as liked. Now usually the message put out there in these is that the women who like to go beyond her boundaries is wrong for doing so and should therefore not be liked. This means that the woman character should not change as the way society feels women of that time should have the right to do. Why is this? It’s wrong and sets a wrong image for all people who are viewing this.

There is also the problem, when women do the same wrong that a man does the woman is hated for it and the man that did it is overlooked because the focus is on the woman that made him to do it. For instance cheating, in one film the man cheats but isn’t hated for it because the focus changes to the crazy mistress who tries to wreck his family. Whereas in another movie the woman cheats and she is hated because it ruins the family. So why is it that the man and woman don’t receive the same punishment from the audience? Could it be because the film industry is most ran by men and they are constantly trying to make men look better than women? Possibly, but it seems wrong. And if it is seen as a problem when will more people speak up to make it so this stops? Hopefully it’s soon so women all the time can be seen as equal to men.


Thomas, E., “Punishing Unfaithful Wives and Working Mothers: Messages of Postfeminism in
Contemporary Film,” in Ruggiero, A., Media Depictions of Brides, Wives and Mothers, New York: Lexington Books, 2012: 77-90.

Fairclough-Isaacs, K.,”Mature Meryl and Hot Helen: Hollywood, Gossip and the ‘Appropriately’ Ageing Actress,” in Whelelan and Gwynne (Eds.), Ageing, Popular Culture, and Contemporary Feminism, 2014: 140-155.

Hist 2480- Reading Analysis #11

Hist 2480

Tracy Penny Light

November 14, 2017

Reading Analysis Week 11

Many years ago it used to be people were born and labeled a sex and that is what they had to be. But many people weren’t happy with who they were, therefore making it so they wanted to change the sex they were as technology and knowledge grew it made it so people could be whatever sex they wanted to be. But just because the option was there didn’t make it as easy as it seems for those who wanted to change. This was because the judgement of this change was there and it had a major negative impact on those who wanted to change making it so these people were still unhappy. But as time passed people were taught that people shouldn’t judge difference and they should be more accepting of change because change can be good.

With change over time, and the more acceptance it made it so those who were famous felt comfortable enough, like Caitlyn Jenner to make the transgender change. Although there was still some judgement out there, but most of it was positive feedback. This was proof that this world has progressed in acceptance of difference, but was it only because she was famous? There has been more and more people that are famous feel the need to express themselves differently by becoming transgender and announcing publicly. But has this done any good for those who are not famous.

Has there only been this change in acceptance because of the famous people that came out? What has this done for those transgender people who aren’t famous? With this announcement it may have made more people realize they shouldn’t judge those who announce they are different, no one is born feeling that way it’s just who they are. But does it really need to be announced why can’t society just accept people for who they want to be why do they have to be ladled as male or female or transgender. Also does it matter if people announce what sexuality they are. Why does all this have to be ladled. When will this stop mattering? Labels should be eliminated and those people should embrace who they are by living a happy life with no explanation. Yes, famous people may have made progress for those who want to identify as someone they are not born as, but there will always be that judgement. This is because each generation is raised differently, but with each one there is more and more acceptance. Hopefully in time no one will need to feel that they are different, whether this be with the help of famous people or just with people changing the way they think. But those who feel different should embrace who they are and this will eventually be seen as normal if it starts with the people seeing themselves as normal.


Roen, K., “‘Either/Or’ and ‘Both/Neither’: Discursive Tensions in Transgender Politics,” Signs, 27, 2 (2001): 501-522

Lovelock, M., “Call me Caitlyn: Making and Making Over the ‘Authentic’ Transgender Body in Anglo- American Popular Culture,” Journal of Gender Studies, 2016: 1-13.

Hist 2480- Reading Analysis #8


Tracy Penny Light

Oct 23, 2017

Reading Analysis Week 8

When growing up we are always taught about girls, their feeling, when they are bullied, how media affects them and so on. At least this is what I experienced in all of my classes, maybe it was because I was a girl and this was all I notice because it pertained to me. But it’s interesting to look at the boy’s perspective of all of those especially the male image in media. When watching movies, it seems as everyone notices how the female image is portrayed and what this does for women watching. But the focus this week was the male image.

In the articles “Masculinity as Spectacle,” and “Malefunction,” the main point is about the male image on screen. Now these were both a bit hard to understand and really grasp as many of the movies referenced I have never seen before and the authors seemed to almost expect you to know the movie. But what I got from it was that there are many ways people look at the male image, this could be how they relate to them or how they want to become more like them. In a way it seems as it’s the same for men as it is for women, we all know this image is not realistic but we still strive to be it. Also when it is brought up as a problem that they portray men like this and something is done to change it, this can make the movie unsuccessful because this isn’t what people want to see. Unfortunately, men are portrayed as manly and this is what people will see the male character as.

Although both articles were the same, the third article seemed to view this image in a different way. This is one that comes off the screen and people strive to be on Halloween, although it seems as if this image is dressed more sexually. Halloween costumes have been more of a problem as they are saying that these sexual images are ok to dress as and it is targeting younger children. But are these images still not from the screen? Most costumes come from characters so doesn’t this mean that this image of more sexual characters is coming from the screen making people still strive to be this sexy or manly person. This is what was focused on in the article, showing that this is a major issue that needs to be stopped. When will this problem be noticed by all as a problem, and when will there be an end to people striving to be an image that isn’t realistic for men or women, or anyone.



Neale, S., “Masculinity as Spectacle,” Screen, 24, 6 (1983) : 2-16.

Green, I., “Malefunction,” Screen, 25, 4-6 (1984): 36-48.

Katz, J., “Porn Chic, Gender Performance and Halloween Fashion,” The Blog, January 23,    2014, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/jackson-katz/porn-chic-gender-performance-and halloween- fashion_b_4159679.html


Hist 2480- Reading Analysis #7


Tracy Penny Light

Oct 16, 2017

Week 7 Reading Analysis

         It’s common to watch something on TV, a movie, read something or listen to the radio and get influenced by it. It may make you think differently and even feel differently, influence what you want to do, etc. This is because it was what the viewers are thought is normal, they see it time after time, so if it repeats itself it must be true, right? Wrong people need to stop falling into this trap and realize what these images are making them do. That is why the reading for this week are written to make more people aware of what is happening in media.

The article that really hit close to home were the one that mainly focused on this problem in regards to Disney. I found this one most important because I grew up watching all the Disney movies and feel that they all probably have a big impact on my life. although I thought this impact was harmless until recently. I have a little sister who loves the Disney movies and I have now noticed different messages that I never notice when I was young. This article answered and confirmed a lot of the thoughts I’ve had about them. It was almost alarming to find out that yes Disney movies been quite controversial with the images that are given off. It was stated that most of those Disney princess that every little girl wants to be is created as a way to teach children at a young age that beauty is everything. As these princesses get all that they want and a happily ever after. Where if you’re seen as the ugly one, who’s not as pretty as the princess you will turn bad and have a sad horrible life. it’s completely wrong that people still let their children watch these fairytales are slowly becoming reality because it is what we are taught is normal. Although not one of these beautiful princess is real, they are all drawn perfect to make people wish they could look unrealistic.

The other article that was relatable was the one on the movie series Twilight, because I have watch it but never realized what the actual hidden meaning was. It was stated that this movie, much like the Disney movies is horrible because of the images given. There are many things that hint at horrible messages that they want people to believe, and if it wasn’t for those who over analyze things viewers would go on without realizing that this is what impacts the way they think. Whether it be the way you think about gender, or sexuality or even race. They are all created with negative impacts in them like how Twilight can be seen as a racist movie, or how it has hints to make people think the woman in the movie, much like in other movies, is seen as week and can’t do anything for herself. This is all wrong yet a lot of the viewers tend to look past all of this like it is ok, it’s just a movie right? Wrong something needs to change.

Although some may argue that there has been a slight change in movies. It was noted that Disney has tried to change. For instance, there are different raced princesses now and some princesses aren’t just a girl in a tower. They do have princess that are made to be seen as someone who is more manly or even more powerful that some princesses. But in these movies like Brave and Frozen these characters that are supposed to be empowering for women can be, but they are also not your everyday princess look. So could this not mean you can only act different if you look different? I still feel that something is not right in all Disney movies, as well as any movies targeted at young people who watch these movies.  They may have changed but only because the time has changed, why can a movie be made with no conflict? Is there a change in the conflicts just because there is a feminism? Why does feminism need to continue to change, why can’t it just be one thing and not broken into many problems. I feel if all feminist of all types realized they all have a similarity and their differences really aren’t that bad wouldn’t this make it so there is more people on the same side? Why do people not feel this way, or do I just not understand it?


Fetters, A., “At It’s Core, the Twilight Saga is a Story About,” The Atlantic, November 15, 2012            https://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2012/11/at-its-core-the-twilight-saga    is-a-story- about/265328/

Gill, R., “Postfeminist Media Culture: Elements of a Sensibility,” European Journal of Cultural         Studies: 10, 2 (2007): 147-166.

Stover, C., “Damsels and Heroines: The Conundrum of the Post-Feminist Disney Princess,”        LUX: A Journal of Transdisciplinary Writing and Research from Claremont Graduate  University, 2, 1 (2013): 1- 10.


Hist2480- Reading Analysis #5

Hist 2480

Oct 2nd 2017

Reading Analysis- week 5

There are many things wrong about the way media and film devalues women and men in this career and really needs to be changed. But one that is a main focus that is seen as a big problem is the way female women of black decent are portrayed as in these films. These articles “The Oppositional Gaze”, “moving Beyond Pain” and “Mapping the Margins: Intersectionally, Identity Politics and Violence Against Women of Colour” how people feel about this problem.

In the “Opposition of Gaze” it really focuses on how black women feel about the image that is put out there of them. It is said that there is not that many movies with black people in them and if they are in them it is usually offensive to the black, as it may be very obvious that everyone notices or if you look into to it and know your facts it very offensive but those turn a blind eye to it. Really it has turned many black people away from media and film because they just don’t want to support this disrespect that is set out there for the world to see as ok.

The article “Mapping the Margins” goes to show that with allowing the things that was said in the first article it allows for terrible things to happen. For instance, it shows that it is ok to see women of colour as less and it shows them as a weakness. With this it leads to violence towards them. There have been many studies that have proven that these lead to horrible violence that puts people of different colour in danger of their safety and even their lives. Which is horribly wrong that our society can have such a strong impact on this action that happens in such a negative way.

But in the article “Moving Beyond Pain” it lets us know that there is going to be a change in this as this is so wrong that society feels this is ok. Thankfully for female black artist like Beyoncé and others they are bringing awareness to everyone that this is a problem. Beyoncé has taken it to another level in raising awareness about how the image of black people in media can have serious impacts on the black culture, she has done this my including it in her music. Hopefully with people like her things will change for the better. The only thing that comes to mind when reading this is does she not set that stereotyped image with showing and acting exactly like the white producers feel like she should look like to get more fans. Will she take a step further and say no to this image and help this problem change that much more?

The other thing that is though when putting the theme of all these article together is how they mainly focus on the black people and what is happening to them. Does media and film not have the same impacts on all women of colour? Why are black people of major concern and not all races there of major concern too? When will they focus on all the problems of the race divide. Does doing a study on just the black people problems still not single them out, thus feeding to that race divide that they are trying to stop. Does acknowledging this divide help or increase the problem? When will this problem end?



Crenshaw, K., “Mapping the Margins: Intersectionality, Identity Politics, and Violence against        Women of Colour,” Stanford Law Review, 43 (July 1991): 1241-1299

hooks, b., “The Oppositional Gaze,” in Black Looks: Race and Representation

hooks, b., “Moving Beyond Pain,” http://www.bellhooksinstitute.com/blog/2016/5/9/moving beyond-pain


Hist2480-Reading Analysis #1

September 11, 2017

History 2480

Reading Analysis #1


There are many problems in this world some big and some small. But they all have their reasons. Some people may not even notice them until they are outlined for them in a text or speech of some sort. But if they are written to further educate people on them then it has clearly become a problem that more people need to know about. With the articles that have been analyzed the problem that comes up is people speaking on behalf of others.

In the article “The Problem of Speaking for Others” really out lines why it is a problem. It gives examples of how people have spoken for others and what about it was wrong. But really the main point of it all is how those who feel they can speak for others over step their boundaries. This causes many problems as it can make the speakers look like they know everything about one situation even though they never really experience what they are talking about. With this article it shows what mistakes have been made with speaking for others and how to avoid them. This article seems a bit repetitive as it often repeats what the errors are and how to fix them. But it was made easy to follow by how it was split into sections that had specific viewpoints that really outlined the main focus. One may say this article was good based on the fact that it showed how speaking for others can be a problem and the many different aspects speakers should take into consideration in order to avoid that.

The second article was like the first in ways that it shows that movies are a way of speaking for others. But it took a really different approach to it and made it more about how movies are made. When reading this it really makes one think about how movies are made and how much time and thought are put into them. when watching a simple movie people don’t often think about the little everyday things that they do as a human. It also showed how all those little decisions have hidden messages behind them and that movies don’t just have one message they have lots. But most people don’t always realize them because they just watch a movie for fun they don’t want to overthink their fun activities. The article outlined many things about movies that not everyone pays attention to which made it an interesting read. This article was an easier to read because it was more relatable and it was shorter and more to the point.

Both articles were good in the sense that it taught me something new, these were both topics with similar themes that didn’t always occur to me. The one was a bit long but I still was able to get something out of it. From now on I will consider what I am saying when I speak out and that it is only based on my experiences and for myself. I will also make sure to look for more meaning in media because it will show something but it may not always be true as those publishing it may not have the right to be sharing that information as it may be a way of speaking for others.




Alcoff, Linda. “The Problem of Speaking for Others.” Cultural Critique, no. 20 (1991), 5. doi:10.2307/1354221.


Smith, Greg M. “”It’s Just a Movie”: A Teaching Essay for Introductory Media Classes.” Cinema Journal 41, no. 1 (2001), 127-134. doi:10.1353/cj.2001.0025.