History 3510- What I Noticed Most

From this class there was one thing that really stood out for me the most. This was residential schools it was such a horrible time and it really hit close to home with having many of my family members attend residential schools. But I notice not everyone who attended wants to tell their story, this could have many reasons behind it, but I think all stories should be heard as people need to really know what happened. People don’t tell  them or people just aren’t around to tell them and its one of those things that really needs to be looked at in more depth to be really understood.

I found that the pictures from residential schools can show so much. As I was doing my research I came across many pictures that make me feel like I was at these schools and could better understand what was happening. I save some that I thought stood out. There are also many memoirs out there that I think more people should read as this is how history should be told, from the people that experienced it themselves.




