Hist 2480
Tracy Penny Light
November 14, 2017
Reading Analysis Week 11
Many years ago it used to be people were born and labeled a sex and that is what they had to be. But many people weren’t happy with who they were, therefore making it so they wanted to change the sex they were as technology and knowledge grew it made it so people could be whatever sex they wanted to be. But just because the option was there didn’t make it as easy as it seems for those who wanted to change. This was because the judgement of this change was there and it had a major negative impact on those who wanted to change making it so these people were still unhappy. But as time passed people were taught that people shouldn’t judge difference and they should be more accepting of change because change can be good.
With change over time, and the more acceptance it made it so those who were famous felt comfortable enough, like Caitlyn Jenner to make the transgender change. Although there was still some judgement out there, but most of it was positive feedback. This was proof that this world has progressed in acceptance of difference, but was it only because she was famous? There has been more and more people that are famous feel the need to express themselves differently by becoming transgender and announcing publicly. But has this done any good for those who are not famous.
Has there only been this change in acceptance because of the famous people that came out? What has this done for those transgender people who aren’t famous? With this announcement it may have made more people realize they shouldn’t judge those who announce they are different, no one is born feeling that way it’s just who they are. But does it really need to be announced why can’t society just accept people for who they want to be why do they have to be ladled as male or female or transgender. Also does it matter if people announce what sexuality they are. Why does all this have to be ladled. When will this stop mattering? Labels should be eliminated and those people should embrace who they are by living a happy life with no explanation. Yes, famous people may have made progress for those who want to identify as someone they are not born as, but there will always be that judgement. This is because each generation is raised differently, but with each one there is more and more acceptance. Hopefully in time no one will need to feel that they are different, whether this be with the help of famous people or just with people changing the way they think. But those who feel different should embrace who they are and this will eventually be seen as normal if it starts with the people seeing themselves as normal.
Roen, K., “‘Either/Or’ and ‘Both/Neither’: Discursive Tensions in Transgender Politics,” Signs, 27, 2 (2001): 501-522
Lovelock, M., “Call me Caitlyn: Making and Making Over the ‘Authentic’ Transgender Body in Anglo- American Popular Culture,” Journal of Gender Studies, 2016: 1-13.