My Thoughts on History Now.

Now that I have learned more about history and actually done history my views on what it is and how it is done have changed and these are my thought:

History is a topic about the past, there are many different aspects to it but it is focused on what happened, who made it happen and why it happened. History focuses on events that took place that were key in why we do what we do today, for example why we make the decisions we make today and why we don’t choose to do something. This is all based of facts of what people took place in. We do History by thinking historically, this is by studying sources and understanding what other have viewed from the past. You also want to know if what you are studying is credible and also be able to state your opinion when it is necessary. To state your opinion, you want to make sure you have the right facts and you also want to be able to back up what you are saying. With this you will be able to fully engage in studying/ doing history. There are many things to study and understand about the past but with this class we just focused on Canadian history which also has many topics to cover that are important to understand why Canada is the way it is today. So when you apply all that you have learned and also state your opinion when it is necessary by backing up what you say with the right sources, this will be considered doing history and history is a key aspect to understanding change which is important to know because everything is always changing. History is not just a text and facts, it is more, it is also reliving and exploring what happened making it so you can fully understand events to the max with also being able to state how you feel it happend.